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Ability Levels - 7 + yrs

Ability Levels for Skiing

GoSnow Level Ability Level Current Terrain Used Goals for the Lesson
L1 - First Timer I have never skied before/ cannot stop yet GoSnow Learning Zone & Magic Carpet To stop and change direction
L2 - Beginner I can make a wedge and I can stop GoSnow Learning Zone & Magic Carpet Working on wedge turns
L3 - Novice I can confidently link wedge turns on green terrain Green Terrain Learn to ski parallel and make varied turn sizes and shapes to control speed
L4 - Intermediate I can parallel turn on all greens and most red/blue terrain All Green, Red/Blue terrain and easy Black terrain Perfecting parallel turns with a pole plant. Learn to carve and begin to venture off-piste
L5 - Advanced* I can parallel turn on all Black terrain All Green, Red/Blue and Black Terrain Build confidence skiing the whole mountain and explore techniques for riding powder, trees, slush and variable conditions. Advance in carving and off-piste

*Advanced levels for Adult Groups only available in Workshops

Ability Levels for Snowboarding

GoSnow Level Current Ability Current Terrain Used Goals for the Lesson
L1 - First Timer I have never snowboarded before/ cannot stop yet GoSnow Learning Zone & Magic Carpet To stop and control speed using both the edges
L2 - Beginner I can stop and control my speed on one or both edges. I cannot link turns yet GoSnow Learning Zone & Magic Carpet Working on linking turns
L3 - Novice I can confidently link turns on green terrain Green Terrain Working on varied turn size and shape to control speed
L4 - Intermediate I can confidently link turns on all Red terrain All Green and Red/Blue terrain Progress to easy black terrain. Learn freestyle/ carving or switch and begin to venture off piste
L5 - Advanced* I can confidently link turns on all Black terrain All Green, Red/Blue and Black Terrain Build confidence riding the whole mountain and explore techniques for riding powder, trees, slush and variable conditions. Advance in freestyle, carving and switch

*Advanced levels for Adult Groups only available in Workshops

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